

National Theatre until 9 November

Directed by Lyndsey Turner, the National Theatre's 2024 production of Shakespeare's "Coriolanus" offers a contemporary take on the classic tragedy. The play centers on Caius Marcius Coriolanus, a celebrated Roman general whose military victories are overshadowed by his pride and contempt for the common people, leading to his political downfall and exile.

A key focus is the intricate relationship between Coriolanus and his mother, Volumnia, highlighting familial expectations and the burdens of legacy. The play also examines the manipulative tactics of political figures, illustrating how personal ambition can undermine public service and societal well-being. Through powerful performances and insightful direction, the production invites reflection on leadership, personal integrity, and the challenges of bridging societal gaps.

Promo code instructions:

Click on “book here” and use my exclusive promo code WARRIOR10 to get £10 tickets for all the performances. Don’t be shy, pick the best seats!

If you can’t see where to enter the code, get in touch with the customer service of the National Theatre.

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Chunky Move: 4/4

8 & 9 November - Southbank Centre

The UK premiere of this utterly distinct work from one of Australia’s leading companies pushes the boundaries of contemporary dance. As episode after episode builds upon the last, quartets and duets converge and diverge in ever more hypnotic configurations, in a performance that balances unity and individuality.

With backgrounds in krump, freestyle hip-hop, house and contemporary dance techniques, the diversity in the dancers’ artistic backgrounds, coupled with Hamilton’s striking craftsmanship, highlights a uniquely Australian performance.


Dance Umbrella

London’s International Dance Festival

9-31 October

Dance Umbrella is bold, unpredictable, and daring. It brings fearless performances that push boundaries, blending dance, and live art for an experience that keeps you on your toes.

Signal to Noise is an upbeat spectacle that gradually unravels. It features fragmented AI-generated speech—ranging from random monologues to weather reports—all lip-synced by six performers.

The show blends human-like voices with off-topic conversations, questioning what’s real and what’s artificial. Alongside this, Etchells’ eclectic score combines various sounds, from xylophones to guitars, creating a strange yet captivating atmosphere. Celebrating Forced Entertainment’s 40th anniversary, the performance invites the audience to reflect on the oddities of human interaction.

Use my exclusive promo code POTFORCEDENTS to get £15 tickets


A Tupperware of Ashes


Pins and Needles